Multitest Ltd. in partnership with Institute of Mechanics at BAS successfully completed the implementation of project BG16RFOP002-1.005-0033-C01 "Development of an automated ultrasonic system for testing pipelines and structures and evaluation of their mechanical stress condition" under procedure "Development of product and process innovations” of Operational programme “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014 – 2020.
The innovation developed under this project is a product, the implementation of which will ensure energy-efficient storage and distribution, a novelty on the world market. A team of employees of Multitest Ltd. together with a team of Institute of Mechanics at BAS carried out planned scientific research providing new knowledge in fundamental areas of non-destructive testing such as product defectiveness and mechanical stressed state. For this project purposes, equipment and specialized software have been purchased, and the necessary visualization and openness provided. As a result of the project, the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the beneficiary and partners have increased.
A patent application has been filed for the developed innovative product.
The project was implemented with the financial support of Operational programme “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 and European Regional Development Fund.
The project amounts to 527 035.66 BGN including 328 043.84 BGN European funding, 57 890.10 BGN national co-financing, and 141 101.72 BGN joint co-financing.